's Saturday again....a love day...we set-up a day where we call it 'dating day''s an idea to keep our relationship alive...replenished the soles of two lovebirds..hehhee...sapa pown xley kaco hari niey...unless we both agree to do sumthing else rather than go dating :)
We discover a candy-making shop's interesting to watch candy-making secara LIVE.. :)

The bulat2 thingy on tis wall paper is how the candies looks like....

It's not just us who enjoys the candy-making scene... :)

Yummy!!!! Calling for all candy lovers !!!
And going out with Mr. Hazman Hadi...of course la our favourite activity is...MAKAN!!!!
Actually this is our 4th destiny for makan, the first shop is where i had my ikan singgang for lunch, 2nd was where i had my ice cream pancakes...3rd is the foodcourt where our Mr. Hazman Hadi had his nasik Tom Yum....and tis is the 4th ~ Kopi Time...where we had a delicious chicken moi....huhuhu...& it's served in a BIG bowl....damn..there goes our diet ~~~ :(

Of all that, tis is the outcome of my dearie Mr. Hazman Hadi ~ double chin ...hehehhee :P

and we had a great movie ~ Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time.....ermmm the hero...mimpi la malam niey...

Prince Dastan real life...aiyooo..perut...

The movie was based on a video tis the one???
& guess what?? makan again at D'Mamak corner....nasik goreng kampung telur mata kaw...spechless...
++ cinnamon + Persia = percimon :P ++
++ cinnamon + Persia = percimon :P ++
Hehe...whoa...what a day...mkn jer...huhu...there goes our diet...
giler dari pukul 6 sampai midnite makan 5 kali....hahaha sejam sekali beb...perut hadam 4 jam patutnya..hahahhaa...sian perut kena keja keras..hikhik
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